7 Country Club Drive
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-323-2762
E-mail: ward1@laurelms.com
2303 Old Bay Springs Rd
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-498-7675
E-mail: tonythaxton@hotmail.com
1720 Martin Luther King Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-319-2449
E-mail: ward4@laurelms.com
923 Susie B. Ruffin Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-325-6712
E-mail: ward5@laurelms.com
1301 Wheaton Street
Laurel, MS 39440
Phone: 601-422-9456
E-mail: ward7@laurelms.com
As clerk of the council, Sharon King provides support to members of the city council by managing their offices and serving as the liaison between the council members, the city’s department heads, and members of the public. King works to ensure adherence to legislative and legal processes and to create and maintain accurate records pertaining to the work of the city’s seven council members.
Her responsibilities include assisting executive and council staff in drafting legislation; reviewing legislation, referendums, and initiatives for proper form; tracking and documenting all legislation that is lapsed or reintroduced; ensuring that legislation is properly advertised as required by law; informing key publics about the status of legislation; maintaining a database of all legislation filed with the council; preparing council meeting minutes and agendas; recording all meetings of the council and the committee-of-the whole; advising the council on rules and parliamentary procedures; preparing historical records on all adopted legislation by maintaining permanent files, logs, and index catalogs; and ensuring all original files are complete and properly archived.