Join the staff at the Laurel-Jones County Library every Tuesday for a story and craft!
Councilwomen Grace Amos (Ward 6) and Shirley Keys-Jordan (Ward 7) will be working with the MS Center for Justice to host another expungement clinic for residents of Laurel and the surrounding areas.
Join the Jones County Genealogical and Historical Organization (JCGHO) for their monthly meeting upstairs in the meeting room of the Laurel-Jones County Library on the 4th Saturday of the month.
The Fraternal Order of Police Laurel Lodge #2 will host its annual Mardi Gras Parade in beautiful downtown Laurel on Saturday, February 22nd. The parade, sponsored by Bok Homa Casino, will roll at 6:00 p.m. following the traditional parade route through downtown Laurel. (Same route as Christmas parade.) The parade is held as a fundraiser […]