In a letter dated October 18, 2021 Grand Isle, Louisiana Chief of Police Scooter Resweber wrote to thank Laurel Police Chief Tommy Cox and his team for their recent donations. The letter read as follows:
RE: Letter of Appreciation
Dear Chief Tommy Cox,
Our entire department appreciates your efforts and the assistance Laurel Police Department has given our officers. It’s really commendable to see an agency from another state put forth such efforts for our department & community.
Please accept my sincere gratitude for the monetary gifts given throughout the Grand Isle Police Department.
Wishing all the best.
Scooter Resweber
The letter was in response to the Hurricane Ida relief efforts coordinated by the LPD and Laurel Fire Departments earlier this month. One such event was the Emergency Relief Drive held to support Grand Isle residents. The drive, held on October 1 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. allowed Laurel Walmart shoppers to make donations of cash or non-perishable items for distribution to those affected in August by Hurricane Ida.
401 N 5th Avenue
Laurel, MS 39440
City Hall is open Monday-Friday
8 a.m.- 5 p.m.